A song that I set as my ringtone

A song that I enjoy listening it in the morning

A song that have nice lyrics and voice

A song that make me feel so relaxing

A song that made me think of many thing



I'm enjoying my job

Always laughing around

Colleagues were quite nice and also active  >.<

although still will have some matters

But still ok lah

The thing that made me happy

Is the compliment from customer

It just like no doubt of my ability

feel great , hehe


One more thing, my crab crab finally had ate grape this morning

haha,if still didn't eat, i dunno what will happen XD


My life is normal as usual

work , at home , work , at home

Too simple i think

Sigh, ntg special ntg suprising

i think i should juz go to bed now

^^    Good Nite


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